



Abstract Information 

Abstract submission types

The Scientific Committee is now calling for abstracts for the PHASA 2025 Conference! (Online submission)

This year, PHASA invites abstracts for the following types of submissions.

All abstracts submitted will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The review process for the abstract submissions for research and projects is double-blinded review of each abstract. The 4 different abstract submission types are described below.

  1. Scientific Research: Traditional
    The Scientific Research: Traditional submission type is for robust, academic studies. This research is traditionally using stringent quantitative-, qualitative- or mixed-methodologies The presentation is done through the formats of an oral presentation or a poster presentation where the abstract and highlights of the research are shared with conference delegates.
  2. Scientific Research: Operational
    The Scientific Research: Operational submission type may use stringent scientific methods, or may follow less robust methods. This research demonstrates a health programme model and whether or not it accomplishes its goals. This may include action research and implementation science studies, and must provide practical usable knowledge that may be used to improve programme implementation. The presentation is done through the formats of oral presentation or a poster presentation.
  3. Community Project
    Community Projects are not strictly academic. They should display the public health work done by individuals or organisations towards directly engaging with and/or impacting on community health. This is done through the formats of an oral presentation or a poster presentation.
  4. Organised Session
    Organised Sessions last 90 minutes or 180 minutes, and give individuals and organisations the opportunity to engage more closely with delegates on a specific topic. The session may be in the form of a workshop, skills-building, masterclass, panel discussion, roundtable, debate, simulation, game, etc. All contributors attending an Organised Session must be registered to attend the Conference.

Presentation Formats

The Conference programme will have parallel sessions of oral and poster presentations, and additional slots for organised sessions.

The following 3 abstract submission types may be submitted for an oral or poster presentation format:

  • Scientific Research: Traditional
  • Scientific Research: Operational
  • Community Project

Oral presentations

Oral presentations allow a presenter to share the major points and highlights of a particular study, project or programme. The presenter prepares a PowerPoint presentation which is projected as the presenter speaks to the audience.

Oral presentations are limited to 15 minutes. The first 10 minutes are for the presentation, and the last 5 minutes are for questions from, and discussions with, the audience.

Poster presentations

Poster presentations allow a presenter to share a brief overview of their study, project or programme. In 2025, posters will be developed and printed by the presenter, and will be placed in the poster gallery for the duration of the Conference. During the allocated presentation session, the presenter stands next to their poster, and use their poster to share the major points and highlights of a particular study, project or programme. This presentation must be brief and concise as the poster presentation session is limited to 5 minutes per presenter. The first 3 minutes are for the presentation, and the last 2 minutes are for questions from, and discussions with, the audience.

Organised Sessions

Organised sessions will be in a format determined by the organiser

Organised session will be held in break-away rooms that accommodate groups of delegates. The form and format of the organised session is determined by the organiser, and usually take the format of a workshop, skills-building, masterclass, panel discussion, roundtable, debate, simulation or game. Other innovative formats that encourage participation of delegates are welcome. All contributors attending an Organised Session must be registered to attend the Conference.

General Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • All abstracts must be submitted online.
  • Abstracts must adhere to the relevant abstract format described below. Please ensure that the correct abstract submission template is used, and that all sections of the abstract template are complete.
  • Abstracts must be informative and report on ongoing or completed work.
  • It is the author's responsibility to submit a correct abstract, and to include all applicable supervisors and/or co-authors.
  • Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact will be reproduced as submitted by the author.
  • For Scientific Research: Traditional, Scientific Research: Operational, and Community Projects, while the presenter’s request of an oral or poster presentation will be considered, the Scientific Committee will decide what format of presentation the abstract may be accepted for.
  • Abstract submission deadline is the 1 November 2024
  • All abstracts will be reviewed, and the final selection made by the Scientific Committee.
  • Session durations that are allocated to each presentation format is aligned to international conference time limits.
  • Notification of acceptance or decline - 6 December 2024
  • Accepted abstracts will only be included in the conference programme once registration, and payment of the registration fee, is completed. 
  • All presenters must be registered and fully paid by TBA .This includes all presenters of Scientific Research: Traditional, Scientific Research: Operational, Community Projects and Organised Sessions.
  • Submission guidelines for each type of abstract submission

Please click on the following type of abstract that you want to submit. Each link downloads a template which must be used for the abstract submission. Please ensure that you select the correct submission type and that you use the correct submission template.